Orange, Tangerine Colour Fashion Guide

It was raining as I was thinking of writing this piece. Then a few minutes later, the sun came out. Winter is on its way out I think although it will probably have a few of cold nights up on its sleeve. Our friend came and visited last week with a bag of tangerines and oranges. It is the orange picking season! On that note, let me show some gorgeous orange coloured outfits that you could try.

Orange is a tangy, optimistic colour that demands attention! Strong, joyful, and happy, adding orange to your engagement session is always a hit on camera. Couples with a more extroverted nature might enjoy orange-themed outfits. Orange also looks wonderful in urban settings, such as against concrete, brick, and stone.




Hi, my name is Songy, your Personal Brand Coach & Photographer. I help you create a brand that represents who you are and what you do so that you can grow your business. I’ve moved well away from thoughts of having the ‘wrong’ personality or being an introvert, and now I’m helping everyone who is not comfortable being visible to become visible and flourish in the marketplace. My clients love my direct, no-nonsense approach, my off-beat sense of humour and my caring nature. Connect with me by signing up to receive my weekly marketing insights and personal branding secrets.

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